About us

You see the logo on top of this page? That’s Billy. Since 2022, Billy has been filling our hearts with joy, and we’re on a mission to share that warm, fuzzy feeling with the world.

Currently we are focusing on 2 products to make that happen. Greeting cards and handmade keyboard sleeves. With our greeting cards, we want to manifest joy and happiness in the world. Billy’s sweet smile plays a big part in this masterplan!

As for our handmade keyboard sleeves, they’re here to help you show off your unique style. Just because the mechanical keyboard community is a small niche doesn’t mean you can’t transport your gear with flair. So why not brighten up your day with one of our colorful, warm sleeves?

Oh, and us? Well the us is me, myself and I. Georgia. Nice to meet you.

Now that you've scrolled down, let me share a bit more about myself. I started this small business in 2022, the same year Billy came to life and the year I truly began to draw. By day, I work in the medical devices sector, which is worlds apart from this creative endeavor. Sewing, however, is something I started since I was 16. I still remember the frustrations with my father's old sewing machine.

Drawing and sewing are more than just hobbies to me. I find joy in creating pieces that bring a smile to someone's face. As mentioned before, it's my mission to send positivity into the world.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know me a little better. I hope my work can bring a bit of joy and inspiration into your life.

Some things I've made

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